Our Team


Mark Morrison and Jenny Burdick;

Jenny and I have been together since the summer of 2016, engaged since New Years Eve 2019. Over our time together we have spend a lot of time working hard together outdoors, and learning more about our food and where it comes from. It has led us to change our diets, change our understanding, and change our plans.

We plan to own a family farm one day, and are interested in being involved in our local food industry as much as possible. But to begin, we hope to see success in combining our landscaping skills with our sustainability principles learned over time, then use that to create the opportunity to open a Farm Market, Food Truck, or Farm to Table Restaurant.

We are always learning more about what it means to be sustainable, but are so grateful for the knowledge and things we’ve been taught. We hope to forge a unique and successful path in both Landscaping and the Sustainability Movement, and inspire any others with passion and hard work to offer.